The Bible is sufficient in guiding us through many different types of situations that may occur both in our personal lives as well as in the life of the church. In this January edition of Mark My Words, I would like to walk through the process given to us by our Lord for dealing with and resolving offenses when they occur within the church. This Biblical process of church discipline can be found in Matthew 18:15-20.
January 3, 2021 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
Sermon: “Right Priorities” – Zechariah 7:1-14 – Pastor Mark Rogers
January 3, 2021 Ladies Sunday School Class
Unit: When Emotions Rise
Lesson #5: Overcoming Worry
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
The OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for January 3, 2021 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.
December 27, 2020 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Psalm 106:1-5
Sermon: “The Glorious Word” – John 1:1-18 – Pastor Mark Rogers
December 28, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Unit: When Emotions Rise
Lesson #4: Redirecting Anger
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
The OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for December 28, 2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.