The Bible is sufficient in guiding us through many different types of situations that may occur both in our personal lives as well as in the life of the church. In this January edition of Mark My Words, I would like to walk through the process given to us by our Lord for dealing with and resolving offenses when they occur within the church. This Biblical process of church discipline can be found in Matthew 18:15-20.
In celebrating advent, we will be looking back into history some 2000 years ago to the events of the first coming of Jesus Christ to earth. The definition of advent is: “the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event”. When God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, chose to visit earth as a baby boy I would say to you that this was indeed a notable event! In this newsletter article we will see that the idea of Christ came into the collective mind of God’s Old Testament people through types and prophecies and that eventually these were fulfilled when He was born in Bethlehem. We will also see that during the church age Christ continues to come in salvation to individuals who repent and confess Him as Lord, and that the window of Christ’s saving work will remain open until He returns again to earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
As we approach election day, I felt led to say a few words regarding our responsibilities as Christians as it relates to our country. We as Christians are exceptionally blessed to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. With that stated, we know that our country is not without problems. Much work remains to be done. On election day, you have a voice in the future direction of our country. Take advantage of it.
I have heard it said that if anything is constant in life, it is change. To some extent I agree. We are in the process of transition from the high temperatures and humidity of summer into the cool crisp days of fall. The seasons of nature are a reminder that change is a part of life. We can either embrace this change, or fight it, nonetheless change continues on. The question then becomes, “is change good or bad?”. It depends.
George Floyd. A name that just a month ago no one would have recognized. Today, though, this name is front and center for many as protests continue on in many of our cities. Although we in Oriental are somewhat isolated from the happenings in the larger cities, I still felt led to say a few words during this time of national crisis. I have done my best to be fair and unbiased in my assessment.