In the spirit of the old adage, “fools rush in where wise men fear to tread”, I’d like to address the burning question that I believe is on every one’s mind. Why is this Coronavirus Pandemic happening? I’m going to attempt to answer the question from a “down to earth” human perspective as well as the divine, theological perspective. Here are some perspectives on why this virus is happening, and how God can use it for His glory.
As I have heard it said, the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. During the month of April we observe two very important days related to both. April 15 is the deadline for filing taxes. My beloved former accountant, David McLemore, had a small stained glass window behind his desk in his office. Underneath this window was an inscription, “The Lord Giveth, and the Government Taketh Away”. David has now gone on to be with the Lord, but what a blessing it was to see him once a year, even though doing taxes was and is never a pleasant task for me. The other important day that we will observe on April 12 is not related to taxes, but instead to death. The death of Christ.
One day it is 70 degrees and beautiful. The next day it is cold with forecasts of snow. Welcome to February in eastern, coastal North Carolina. With a light dusting of snow comes word of delayed openings and school closures. I realize that those of you who are transplants from up north, where you “KNOW SNOW”, find these delays and closures difficult to understand. From a southern perspective, maybe it’s that we experience so little snow, that we like to do it up right when it finally does occur! Take a little time off, enjoy it, etc. Or maybe it’s just that we have no clue how to drive in this stuff and for our own safety and the safety of others should simply stay put at home. The weather certainly appears to be confused. It is seemingly becoming more and more difficult to tell the seasons apart. The weather is not the only realm that is experiencing confusion these days.
It was about a week or so after Christmas that I began to see a transformation take place on the candy aisle of our local Walmart. Just a few days prior, the aisle was chocked full of Christmas goodies. You could find Hershey’s Kisses dressed in the colors of the season. Many of our favorite candies could be found in various seasonal shapes such as Christmas trees and bells instead of their regular, boring rectangular and circular shapes. However, after Christmas, all of this was now beginning to change. Now our favorite candies could be found in the shape of hearts. Small and large, beautiful heart shaped red boxes, with bows in some cases, began lining the shelves.
Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? For some of you it may be to lose some weight. For others it may be to get serious about an exercise program. For others it could be to learn something new that you’ve been putting off for way too long. And how about the wonderful goal to reduce or get out of debt? And the list goes on and on. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is not in making them. That’s easy enough. The hard part is in keeping them. Since it is so difficult to keep our resolutions, we should choose them wisely, and then pray asking God to give us the strength to fulfill them.