Everyone needs a hero. Growing up we had heroes. Maybe it was a basketball player or possibly a movie star. Perhaps your hero was more down to earth and local, such as a special relative, a teacher, or a Pastor. This person was someone we looked up to and possibly aspired to be like. The word hero is defined as “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”.
We need other human beings that inspire us to live on a higher plane, through the living example of their courage and character. One of the most miserable prisons is the one that exists when we as humans get trapped within ourselves. This is where heroes come into play. They challenge us to break free from our preoccupation with self and to live for something greater than ourselves.
Jesus Christ is the greatest hero that has ever walked the face of the earth. He challenged us by the beauty of his life and teaching to live in such a way that brings glory to God. He showed us through His death on the cross that it is possible to live a selfless and sacrificial life for the good of others. For Jesus, it was never about self. It was always about the greater glory of God and the good of people.
Everyone needs a hero. Not just children. We as adults still need them. Good news! They still exist. The men and women of our United States military stand ready, at a moment’s notice, to travel anywhere around the globe to confront evil and to lay down their lives if need be. Our brave policemen and women protect life and property on a daily basis through their rapid responses to the scenes of crime. And don’t forget the firefighters and first responders who are ready and willing to put their lives on the line so that others may live.
This Memorial Day, we remember those who have paid the ultimate price by laying down their lives for others. While others were running away from trouble, they were running towards it for the greater good. They are noble. They are selfless. May we never forget their example. This newsletter is dedicated with great gratitude to those who have paid the ultimate price so that we might enjoy the American dream, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.
With eternal gratitude for their sacrifice,