I have heard it said that if anything is constant in life, it is change. To some extent I agree. We are in the process of transition from the high temperatures and humidity of summer into the cool crisp days of fall. The seasons of nature are a reminder that change is a part of life. We can either embrace this change, or fight it, nonetheless change continues on. The question then becomes, “is change good or bad?”. It depends.
September 27, 2020 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:23-32
Sermon: “Responsible Before Christ” – Ezekiel 18:1-32 – Pastor Mark Rogers
September 27, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Unit: After God’s Own Heart: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments
Lesson #4: Honor Life
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
The OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for September 27, 2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.
September 20, 2020 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Matthew 20:1-16
Sermon: “To Live Is Christ” – Philippians 1:18-30 – Pastor Mark Rogers
September 20, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Unit: After God’s Own Heart: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments
Lesson #3: Honor Parents
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
The OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for September 20, 2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.