May 31, 2020 Church Re-Opening Announcement and Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:1-6, 24-35
Sermon: “Holy Fire” – Acts 2:1-21 – Pastor Mark Rogers
May 31, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Lesson #6: Dealing With Messy Relationships: Accept
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
The OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for May 31, 2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.
We want to pass along some wonderful news to you concerning re-opening the church!
The pastor and the deacons met this past Tuesday night, and the decision was made to re-open the church for the 11:00 AM worship service on Sunday June 7th.
We will not resume Sunday School classes at this time. Sunday School will continue to be online.
The following video will further guide you to understanding our re-opening guidelines and what to expect when you come to worship.
May 24, 2020 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35
Sermon: “Uncommon Valor” – 1 Chronicles 10:1-14 – Pastor Mark Rogers
May 24, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Lesson #5: Dealing With Messy Relationships: Yield
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
The OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for May 24, 2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.