Mark My Words – A Great Way to Start the New Year

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? For some of you it may be to lose some weight. For others it may be to get serious about an exercise program. For others it could be to learn something new that you’ve been putting off for way too long. And how about the wonderful goal to reduce or get out of debt? And the list goes on and on. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is not in making them. That’s easy enough. The hard part is in keeping them. Since it is so difficult to keep our resolutions, we should choose them wisely, and then pray asking God to give us the strength to fulfill them.

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Mark My Words – What Will You Give to Him?

As the Christmas season draws near, we look forward to giving. Some of you, no doubt, have already completed some, if not all, of your Christmas shopping. It seems as though stores begin promotions and sales for the holiday season earlier and earlier every year! Children wait impatiently for the early morning hours of Dec 25th, when they will rush with excitement out of their bedrooms to the Christmas tree to see what Santa Claus has given to them. Christmas is all about giving. Although Christmas can at times become too focused on material things, at its heart we must admit that the spirit behind Christmas giving is actually the Spirit of Christ. What spirit then should characterize our giving this Christmas?

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