I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. (Matthew 25:35)
Pamlico Fishes and Loaves Outreach (PCFLO) is your local food pantry in Pamlico County for the past 14 years. They service approximately 500 families in Pamlico County with nutritious food each month. Needy clients are increasing and so their food storage needs are also increasing. They need to find space that will meet their growing needs.
They Need Your Help!
They are appealing to the community and corporate friends for help to solve that space problem. They have recently signed a contract to purchase a local building to solve that space problem, but they cannot do it alone!
You can help them by making a donation to their building fund, no matter how big or small. Your support is crucial to making this project a success.
Your donation will go directly to the purchase of the building. If you would like to speak further about their cause, feel free to reach out to them at wnmiles@aol.com or 717-887-0157. They will be glad to answer any questions you may have about their project.
Would you prayerfully consider an additional gift to PCFLO during this critical time that will assist them with purchasing their new building?
You have two options for giving.
- Make a check out to Oriental First Baptist Church and in the note line write: PCFLO. Drop your check in the offering plate.
- Mail a check to: PCFLO PO Box 771 Oriental NC 28571
May our God richly bless you.
Pastor Mark Rogers