January 22, 2023 Worship Service
Sermon: “Sermon On The Mount” – Matthew 5:31-42 – Pastor Mark Rogers
January 15, 2023 Worship Service
Sermon: “Baptism” – Matthew 3:13-17 – Pastor Mark Rogers
January 8, 2023 Worship Service
Sermon: “Baptism” – Matthew 3:1-17 – Pastor Mark Rogers
Now that we are through the holiday season, it is time to settle back into our normal work and routines. For some, the holidays were a joyful time filled with fun, family, friends, and good food. For others, the holidays were a sad time due to sickness or the loss of a loved one. For some reason, the holidays tend to accentuate the pain that some feel, possibly because of self-imposed guilt that it is wrong to feel sad during the holidays.
Once we get through the holidays, we still must make it through the remaining bleak, cold winter months before we can experience the renewing power that the warmth of Spring and Summer bring. In this newsletter article, I would like to offer some suggestions on ways to beat the blues that some of us feel during and after the holiday season.
January 1, 2023 Worship Service
Sermon: “The Lord’s Salvation” – Luke 2:22-40 – Pastor Mark Rogers