In the spirit of the old adage, “fools rush in where wise men fear to tread”, I’d like to address the burning question that I believe is on every one’s mind. Why is this Coronavirus Pandemic happening? I’m going to attempt to answer the question from a “down to earth” human perspective as well as the divine, theological perspective. Here are some perspectives on why this virus is happening, and how God can use it for His glory.
April 26, 2020 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Psalm 116:1-19
Sermon: “Fellowship of the Burning Heart” – Luke 24:13-35 – Pastor Mark Rogers
April 26, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Unit: Dealing with Messy Relationships
Lesson #1: Love
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
This week’s OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for April 26,2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.
April 19, 2020 Worship Service
Scripture Reading: Psalm 16
Sermon: “Penetrating Walls” – John 20:19-23 – Pastor Mark Rogers
April 19, 2020 Ladies Sunday School Class
Unit: Resurrection: The Foundation of Our Faith
Lesson: Why the Resurrection Matters
Teacher: Theresa Caroon
This week’s OFBC Ladies Sunday School lesson for April 19,2020 is from our Bible Studies for Life quarterly material by Lifeway but presented so that a quarterly is NOT required to study along with us.